Tuesday, December 22, 2009

That's One Way To Win A Snowball Fight...

your thoughts?

This is kind of the perfect storm when it comes to news, because this story has:
Police Misconduct
Viral YouTube videos
Race Issues
Hummers(environmental card)
and finally it has that elusive "OMG what did that headline just say!?" factor that generates click through.


  1. I love that the guy with the camera phone started walking closer to the "gunman" as soon as he heard that there was a gun. Wouldn't most people walk away from a crazy guy waving a gun around? I mean, come on, I run from Dewell every time I see him!

  2. haha! I love the Dewell dig!

    Thought the exact same thing when I first saw this video.

    "Oh an angry man brandishing a sidearm? Let's see if we can get past these pesky people, inextricably moving AWAY from the danger, and give the maniac a clearer shot at my aorta!"


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